The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War is a groundbreaking ten-part, eighteen-hour documentary series that tells the story of one of the most divisive and consequential events in American history as it has never before been told. This epic and immersive 360-degree narrative is built around wrenching interviews with nearly one hundred witnesses from all sides of the conflict: combatant and civilian, American and Vietnamese. Their stories are brought viscerally to life with archival footage and photographs from around the globe, and are intertwined with historic presidential audio recordings and television news broadcasts, all accompanied by an evocative soundtrack of some of the greatest popular music of this tumultuous era.
Directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, written by Geoffrey C. Ward, and produced by Sarah Botstein, Lynn Novick, and Ken Burns.
Better Angels Who Supported This Film
David H. Koch
Blavatnik Family Foundation
Jonathan & Jeannie Lavine | Donor Spotlight
Diane & Hal Brierley
Amy & David Abrams
John & Catherine Debs
Fullerton Family Charitable Fund
The Montrone Family
Lynda & Stewart Resnick | Donor Spotlight
The Perry & Donna Golkin Family Foundation
The Lynch Foundation | Donor Spotlight
The Roger & Rosemary Enrico Foundation
Richard S. & Donna L. Strong Foundation
Bonnie & Tom McCloskey
Barbara K. & Cyrus B. Sweet III
The Lavender Butterfly Fund