DONOR SPOTLIGHT: Mauree Jane & Mark Perry

Mauree Jane & Mark Perry have been involved with The Better Angels Society since 2012. The films they’ve supported include LBJ & the Great Society, Emancipation to Exodus, Muhammad Ali, and Ken Burns: America, which features seven of Ken’s earlier films. They’ve also supported films through the Better Angels Stories initiative and the preservation of Ken Burns’s 1981 documentary, Brooklyn Bridge. 

You’ve been long-time donors to The Better Angels Society and have supported various films. What is it about these films that keeps you connected?
We believe in everything Ken Burns creates and what The Better Angels Society does to support his work. Ken’s passion and vision are deep, and his documentaries are a powerful vehicle for teaching our children and fellow citizens about American history. His work helps bring our broader community together with a sense of shared history, and we believe his films have an enduring role in enhancing our democracy.

Describe what you feel when watching one of Ken’s documentaries or a Better Angels Stories film.
Even though the topics vary widely, we are always moved, stimulated, provoked, and informed when we watch a Ken Burns film. We’ve felt emotionally and intellectually inspired, sometimes saddened, but always fully engaged. By showcasing the struggles and achievements of individuals throughout our history,  we are excited and actually motivated to become active and more engaged citizens.